The TGMI Genetic Medicine Research Gateway
A rapid, open-access publication platform for genetic medicine
Delivery of genetic medicine requires free and easy access to relevant research publications. The conventional scientific publication system severely impedes the provision of information essential for the safe delivery of genetic medicine. Scientific journals prize novelty over utility, deterring researchers from doing studies genetic medicine urgently needs (such as longitudinal clinical case series), and incentivising over-hyping of results. There are long delays in medically useful information being published, and many useful publications are behind paywalls.
To remove these barriers and to incentivise the publication of research useful for genetic medicine, the TGMI has launched the TGMI Genetic Medicine Research Gateway, supported by Wellcome Open Research. The Gateway uses the Open Research publication model, which is increasingly being adopted.
The TGMI Genetic Medicine Research Gateway offers rapid, simple, citable publication of research outputs relevant to the mission of the TGMI to develop the knowledge-base, tools and processes needed to deliver genetic medicine.
What are the benefits of publishing on the TGMI Genetic Medicine Research Gateway?
There are four main benefits of publishing on the TGMI Gateway.
1. Publication on the TGMI gateway is rapid
Articles are published rapidly, as soon as they are accepted, after passing quality checks by Wellcome Open Research. The median time to publication is 8 days. Peer review by invited experts, suggested by the authors, takes place openly after publication. An article remains published regardless of the referee reports. Articles that pass peer review are indexed in PubMed and other bibliographic databases.
2. Publications on the TGMI gateway are open access
All articles and peer reviews are immediately open access and citable with their own DOI (digital object identifier). Once articles have passed peer reviewed they will be included in PubMed and other bibliographic databases, like any other publication.
3. Publication on the TGMI gateway is free
If your article is published on the TGMI Genetic Medicine Research Gateway, the publication costs will be covered by Wellcome. You will need to include either the TGMI code or another Wellcome code to be published on the Gateway and to have costs covered.
4. Publication on the TGMI gateway is based on utility not novelty
The TGMI Gateway can publish any outputs that may be useful to genetic medicine. This includes case reports, clinical practice articles, methods, protocols, software tools, data notes, as well as standard research articles. Null and negative findings and reanalyses of previous studies leading to new results, as well as confirmatory results, are encouraged.
What articles can be included in the TGMI gateway?
Any research relevant to genetic medicine can potentially be published on the gateway. The research must also fulfil the article guidelines for Wellcome Open Research which are available at
What does submission to the gateway involve?
If your work is suitable for the TGMI gateway, submission of your article will be in accordance with the standard Wellcome Open Research processes and will not involve the TGMI in any way. You will simply need to acknowledge the TGMI support of publication on the gateway, if you are not a Wellcome grant holder.